Use the form below to generate a CSV (comma separated values) file of raw data for downloading from the Whitby Falls Weather Station’s database. Up to 12 months of data can be downloaded per request. Data has been collected since 5 September 2015, and is therefore, not available earlier than this date. Also, due to technical problems, such as power failures, some data may be found to be missing from the downloaded file.
Begin by selecting the From (start) date using the date picker. The To (end) date picker selection will then be restricted to dates up to 12 months from the chosen start date. Choose the sensors that you want included in the downloaded CSV file. Clicking the Download button generates a CSV file, displays a link to this file and should automatically open a browser dialog box for either opening or saving the CSV data file.
Note: 12 months of data with all sensors selected generates a file that is approximately 5.5Mb in size. Generated files are kept for 30 days, so if requested again within this period, a new file is not generated, but access is given to the existing CSV data file.