This web site provides access to current and past weather conditions recorded since May 24, 1998 by an Automatic Weather Station located on the Murdoch University campus in Perth, Western Australia. Weather data is updated every 10 minutes and is presented in easy-to-read graphical formats. The downloads page provides access to the raw weather data from our database, with a choice of which sensor readings are downloaded.
The original web site development was initiated in 1998 by Dr Jennifer Robinson from Environmental Science at Murdoch. The project’s goal was to make weather information being gathered from the Murdoch campus Meteorological Station available on the Internet in a user-friendly fashion. Murdoch University students enrolled in the Computer Science Programme created the first web site in late 1998 as their Software Engineering Project unit. The project team was called Fortis and consisted of: Peter Blair, David Siciliano, Jay Gibbison and Kim Carter.
Following the original development in 1998,
overhauled the entire site in 2002, correcting errors, while improving the site’s functionality and maintainability. Significantly, changes were implemented to allow download access to all the meteorological weather data collected since 24 May 1998, a feature the original design did not offer. Tony has continued to maintain the web site and rescued it from a hard disc failure in 2005 with another significant upgrade to its underlying software.The year 2014 brings yet another major rewrite of the Murdoch Meteorological Station web site, bringing it up to date with the University's corporate brand and style, and also to take advantage of significant developments in web and browser technology that have occurred since 2005. Consequently, users of this web site must use a modern web browser to fully experience the new features that the Met Station has to offer. Recommended browsers include Mozilla’s Firefox, Google Chrome, Safari and Internet Explorer 9 or higher. Please avoid using Internet Explorer 8 or earlier.
Devices being used for browsing the web have also changed over recent years, with increasing use of mobile and tablet browsing. The web site has been implemented with responsive design in mind to provide an improved user experience when browsing the Weather Station using mobile and tablet devices.
2017 brings yet another upgrade to the website with the addition of a new weather station at Whibtby Falls Farm in the foothills south of Perth. New data logging and sensors have also been installed at Murdoch's weather station and the old MetConsole software has been retired. This should result in a more reliable service in the future.
Use the contact page to send comments, suggestions or enquires to us. Alternatively, issues and enquiries relating to the web site can be sent directly to . For technical issues and enquiries related to the Automatic Weather Station, contact Mr Mark Thiele.