Rainfall Data

Use this page to access the Murdoch Weather Station’s recorded rainfall in the form of annual, monthly and daily graphs. Totals are also displayed for the selected periods of time. The total is calculated for the period between 9:00am on the From (start) date and 9:00am on the To (end) date. Click the Annual, Monthly, or Daily tab below for access to more (Daily) or less (Annual) detailed rainfall data.


Annual Rainfall for 2025

Show January Show February Show March

Daily Rainfall for March, 2025

Show Friday 28 Show Saturday 1 Show Sunday 2 Show Monday 3 Show Tuesday 4 Show Wednesday 5 Show Thursday 6 Show Friday 7 Show Saturday 8 Show Sunday 9 Show Monday 10

Daily 10-Minute Rainfall for Monday 10 March, 2025

Information on Rainfall Graphs

The Murdoch Weather Station has been collecting data since 24 May 1998. Annual, Monthly and Daily rainfall graphs can be viewed on this page by clicking the appropriate tab. Each panel has its own set of controls to set the From (start) and To (end) dates for the graphs required. All start date selectors allow the full range of dates to be selected, from 24 May 1998 to the day before the date of the latest sensor readings. End date selectors have restricted date ranges depending on which graph they control (see below for more details). Note that due to occasional technical problems, such as power and equipment failures, you may find some data is missing.

Annual Rainfall Graphs

The Annual tab provides access to annual graphs showing monthly rainfall totals in each month over the selected period. When a start date is selected, the end date is set to the last day of the selected year or the current day. End date selection can be made for any date in the range from 25 May 1998 to the current day. When an end date is selected before the current start date, the start date is set to the first day of the selected year.

Annual rainfall graphs are clickable to get the daily rainfall for the month that is clicked.

Monthly Rainfall Graphs

The Monthly tab provides access to monthly graphs showing daily rainfall totals in each day over the selected period. When a start date is selected, the end date is set to the last day of the month in the selected year or to the current day. The end date can be selected for any day in the same year currently selected by the start date. The year can only be changed in the start date selector. If the end date is selected before the start date, the start date is set to the first day of the month selected in the end date.

Use this page to obtain daily rainfall data from the weather station database for the specified months in a given year. For a particular day, the data shown in the graph(s) is the accumulated rainfall for the 24-hour period to 9:00am on that date, indicated by the slightly offset columns in relation to the graph’s grid.

Monthly rainfall graphs are clickable to get the accumulated rainfall at 10-minute intervals for the day that is clicked.

Daily Rainfall Graphs

The Daily tab provides access to daily graphs showing rainfall at 10-minute intervals for the selected days of a chosen period. When a start date is selected, the end date is set to the next day of the month in the selected year or to the current day. The year and month can only be changed in the start date selector. If the end date is selected before the start date, the start date is set to the day before the date selected in the end date.

Use this page to obtain rainfall data at 10-minute intervals from the weather station database for the specified days during the given month and year.