Weather Station Sensor Details
NOTE: This data is provided as unchecked raw data. Anomalies in data can be associated with: sensor calibration
defects or failure, power failure, data transmission or processing problems.
- Australian Height Datum (AHD)
- The AHD was established in May 1971, when the mean sea level for the time
period 1966 to 1968 was assigned a zero elevation value for thirty tide
gauges established around the Australian coastline.
- Barometric Pressure
- Atmospheric pressure as indicated by a barometer at 1 meter height. Air pressure fluctuations are associate with changes in weather.
- Rainfall (Year to Date)
- Accumualted rainfall since the January 1 of the current year measured in mm.
- Relative Humidity
- Ratio of the actual concentration of water vapour in the air to the concentration of water vapour that would be present, given the temperature, if the air were saturated and express as a percentage.
- Ambient Temperature (1.5m)
- Air temperature at 1.5 meters above ground level measured in degrees Celsius.
- Ambient Temperature (10m)
- Air temperature at 10 meters above ground level measured in degrees Celsius.
- Ambient Temperature (30m)
- Air temperature at 30 meters above ground level measured in degrees Celsius.
- Solar Radiation (Average)
- Incident solar radiation measured in watts per square metre averaged over the last 6 minutes.
- Scalar Wind Speed (10m)
- Wind speed measured in metres per second at 10 meters height averaged over 6 minute intervals ignoring wind direction. (scalar technique)
- Scalar Wind Direction (10m)
- Wind direction measured in degrees at 10 meters height averaged over 6 minute intervals ignoring wind speed. (scalar technique)
- Scalar Wind Speed (30m)
- Wind speed measured in metres per second at 30 meters height averaged over 6 minute intervals ignoring wind direction. (scalar technique)
- Scalar Wind Direction (30m)
- Wind direction measured in degrees at 30 meters height averaged over 6 minute intervals ignoring wind speed. (scalar technique)
- Vector Wind Speed (10m)
- Wind speed measured in metres per second at 30 meters height averaged over 6 minute intervals adjusted to take account of wind direction. (vector technique)
- Vector Wind Direction (10m)
- Wind direction measured in degrees at 10 meters height averaged over 6 minute intervals adjusted to take account of wind speed. (vectoring technique).
- Vector Wind Speed (30m)
- Wind speed measured in metres per second at 30 meters height averaged over 6 minute intervals adjusted to take account of wind direction. (vector technique).
- Vector Wind Direction (30m)
- Wind direction measured in degrees at 30 meters height averaged over 6 minute intervals adjusted to take account of wind speed. (vectoring technique).
- Maximum Wind Gust (10m)
- Maximum wind speed measured in metres per second at 10 meters height recorded over the last 6 minutes.
- Maximum Wind Gust (30m)
- Maximum wind speed measured in metres per second at 10 meters height recorded over the last 6 minutes.