Weather Data Links

Murdoch Weather Station

Current and archived weather conditions measured at Murdoch University, Western Australia.

Australian Bureau of Meteorology

Western Australian weather and flood information including warnings, satellite images, and forecasts.

Coastal Waters Forecast

Surf report giving current wind, sea swell, and outlook for the Western Australian coast.

National Tidal Centre (NTC)

The tidal predictions for yesterday, today and the next five days are shown here. These predictions are updated on a daily basis (at 2am CST).

Washington State University Weather

The link given points to Washington State's weather page, which is a subscription based system. However, the “Weather Links” section of the page points to several state networks that provide online data, most of which is free and downloadable.

World Wide Data Archive: Utah Climate Center

Allows download of daily temperature and rainfall data for a large number of stations worldwide, including 60 in Australia. Many years of data are archived in CSV format. Data are in degrees F and inches.

NOAA Charts from Climate Models and Data Assimilation Systems

A site meant for professionals. Will pull out maps or time series plots for a huge number of variables from various climate models and climate analysis systems. You may want to start with GDAS, pgb_simple_last.ct, and check box to “include variable definitions and units” and then choose a variable to plot.